(Estimated reading time 2 minutes)

Today I got one step closer to wholeheartedly becoming who I am. The gauzy fabric – a dustcover of dreams – slipped almost unnoticed from my mind as I opened the magazine. Turning the pages, I saw my name written – article by Sue Das. It is the first time I have been paid to write something. It is also the first time my words have been in print. The thought settles tentatively in my head, “I am a writer.”
I remember it is only a year ago that I felt the quiet whisper of a future I had no idea was mine. The small, insistent nudge to begin writing a blog. This blog. The thoughts from bud to bloom in less than an hour. The desire filled me, as if it had always been there, to help people know their enormous value, see their incredible potential, and find the courage to identify the unspoken murmurs that pull them into the shadows. The details slipped effortlessly into place as if some invisible conductor was at work – the name of the blog, topics, purpose, images, the frequency of posts and a plan of action. So, I began. 45 weeks. 45 posts to date. Each time I came to write, I wondered if the ideas and words would disappear. It has been a strange thing – this experience of writing a blog – a perfect blend of certainty and uncertainty.  What I know for sure is that writing this blog has lead to other opportunities.
As I sit here, staring at my name under the magazine article, I feel the veil of uncertainty begin to slip away. I am a writer. It gives me hope for all the other things I am not yet, for all that is still in process, for all that I dare to imagine.

Consult not your fears, but your hopes and dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do. Pope John XXIII



  1. Woohoo! Congrats! The last paragraph of your post is so poignant that it proves the point. You are DEFINITELY a writer!

    “As I sit here, staring at my name under the magazine article, I feel the veil of uncertainty begin to slip away. I am a writer. It gives me hope for all the other things I am not yet, for all that is still in process, for all that I dare to imagine.”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Step by step and each success leads to your next opportunity.
    Congrats on your new venture Sue.
    Can you post the magazine article? Would love to read it.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. You are a writer 🌻🌻🌻 and I love it that you write words to encourage, inspire, motivate …… Never tearing down, but building up 🦋
    Thank you for being you, and CONGRATS on the article.

    Liked by 1 person

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